Collare Di Cane Di Allarme Medico - Qualsiasi Testo - Diabetico, Cieco, Epilettica

14,64 £

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Valutazione media: 5/5 Nº valutazioni: 7

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  • Abbiamo creato questo collare perché amiamo i nostri cani e vogliamo proteggerli. Abbiamo preso un design molto pratico e robusto collo e perfezionato, offrendo il più grande spazio di personalizzazione disponibili.
  • Utilizzando state-of-the-art, possiamo molto chiaramente stampare l'informazioni sul colletto. Anche il testo di piccole dimensioni sarà leggibile e potrebbe contribuire a salvare la vita del vostro cane.
  • È possibile personalizzare questo collare con qualsiasi testo che desiderate. legge stabilisce Regno Unito che il collare deve nome e l'indirizzo del proprietario, ma si consiglia vivamente di aggiungere il tuo numero di cellulare pure. Inoltre, è possibile aggiungere altre informazioni importanti come lo stato di salute, il numero di telefono secondario, o il numero di telefono del vostro veterinario.
  • I proprietari di cani che tendono ad attrarre fango come magneti saranno felici di sapere che i collari sono lavabili in lavatrice. Basta metterli in con i tuoi tessuti colorati e utilizzare un detergente delicato e bassa temperatura. A condizione che non si lava tutti i giorni, il vostro collare dovrebbe ottenere anni di utilizzo.
  • Un forte indurita fibbia in plastica rende questo collare facile da mettere e togliere. Usiamo anche una saldato D-Ring che si attacca a qualsiasi vantaggio cane - è fatta per essere indistruttibile!
Riferimento 002-diabetic
In magazzino 9999936 Articoli
Scheda tecnica
Hardened Plastic Buckle - Welded Metal D-Ring
Riferimenti Specifici

Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia

  • GLS: 2-5 working days- 5.50€
  • UPS EXPRESS: 1-2 working days - 18€

Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Slovenia

  • GLS: 3-6 working days- 6.50€
  • UPS EXPRESS: 1-2 working days - 18€

Estonia, France, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Italy

  • GLS: 3-6 working days- 8.50€
  • UPS EXPRESS: 1-2 working days - 18€

Finland, Lichtenstein, Serbia

  • GLS: 3-6 working days- 10.50€


  • UPS STANDARD: 3-7 working days- 9.95 €
  • UPS EXPRESS: 1-2 working days - 18€

Norway, Switzerland

  • UPS STANDARD: 3-7 working days- 14 €

United Kingdom


United States/Canada

  • UPS ECONOMY: 5-14 working days - $8
  • UPS EXPRESS SAVER: 2-5 working days - $28

Rest of the World

  • UPS ECONOMY: 5-14 working days - $8

Size Neck
Width Neck
XXS 7.5-11.5" 0.4" 19-29cm 1.0cm
XS 10-14.5" 0.6" 25-37cm 1.5cm
S 11.75-17.5" 0.8" 30-45cm 2.0cm
M 14.5-23" 0.8" 37-58cm 2.0cm
L 17-28" 1.2" 43-71cm 3.0cm
M Wide 17-24.5" 1.5" 43-62cm 3.8cm
L Wide 18-28" 2.0" 46-71cm 5.0cm
*To measure your dogs neck use a piece of string and use a tightness that your dog will find comfortable. It is common to ensure that two fingers can fit between the string and the neck. Please contact us if you have any questions.

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Filtra recensioni

Medizinisches Alarm Hundehalsband
Ware wie bestellt angefertigt.
Medical alert collar
Very bright colours and a secure fastening. Has been through salt water repeatedly with no issues. Very pleased with this purchase.
Clear and effective
Since Bertie was diagnosed as being diabetic we have needed some way of gently dissuading all his friends from giving him treats when we weren't looking. This has worked admirably with all but a few who seem unable to realise that they may kill him with kindness. So, a good weapon but it can't win the war without some help. We recommend these collars to all owners whose dogs have constraints on their diets.
Very good
Value for money.
Mr Alan

Very good

Brilliant personalised dog collar!
My little poodle is 15 now and is blind as well as deaf - I tried loads of places to get him a collar but everywhere I tried, I was only offered collars for blind or deaf dogs. He now has a bright yellow collar that says “I’m a blind and deaf dog.” This company is a fantastic find, excellent price and fast service. Thank you very much, I would definitely recommend you to anyone!
Very Pleased with Quality

I was very pleased with the quality of the dog collar. The colors and stitching are very well done. I was disappointed in shipping time, taking around 5-1/2 weeks to receive, but I understand that there can be obstacles shipping from country to country. I am in the US and the collar was shipped from The Netherlands. I would definitely do business here again, knowing to plan ahead if possible.


I'm very sorry about that. It was held in customs due to the product having 'MEDICAL' in the title. We've resolved future problems with this product getting stuck in customs

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